No Fall ’20 Annual Mtg: Oct 24, Business Meeting and Teaching Discussion Instead.

Because of the pandemic we decided to not hold the Fall meeting this year, but instead will hold a virtual, full-membership Business meeting on October 24th, 2020, from 12:00pm-1:00pm.   All section members and interested parties are requested to attend. Zoom link and draft agenda are below.  Amongst our usual business, we will discuss some details of how the section will operate under the covid restrictions;  importantly, whether we will hold a yearly meeting for 2020-21 in the Spring, and what format is preferred (e.g. online-only, wait-and-see, etc.). 

In addition, just before the start of the Business Meeting, starting at 11am till Noon on that same day (Oct 24), we will also hold an informal discussion session, open to all our member educators–high school teachers, college-level instructors, professors, etc., as well as any other interested parties–for us to all share with each other our collective experiences on teaching under the Covid-related restrictions, such as online and hybrid class formats.   The goal is to for us to share effective methods.   So please also plan on joining us for that discussion time as well. 

-Justin Frantz,   Ohio University, on behalf of the A-AAPT section officers

A-AAPT 2019: Space Explorations to take place Marshall University, November 7-9, 2019

The 2019 Meeting of the Appalachian American Association of Physics Teachers will take place on November 7-9, 2019, at Marshall University, in West Virginia, and its theme is Space Explorations – celebrating 50 years from the Moon landing.

A detailed schedule of the meeting can be found here.

Please see for details regarding the conference and for information about lodging and travel.

In order to register, please visit the Registration Form

If you would like to contribute a presentation, or you have any more questions about the meeting, please email your abstract directly to Maria Babiuc Hamilton.

We wish you an enjoyable and enriching meeting and hope you find the presentations and the workshops informative. Thank you for joining us!

In Memoriam – Greg Puskar

We are very sad to report that we received news that Greg Puskar,  long-time member, officer, and our most recent section representative to the national AAPT, has passed away after battling a serious illness for some time.    Our thoughts and memories are with Greg’s family, and his home department at West Virginia University. 

Next Generation Physics Teaching Conference

The “Next Generation Physics Teaching Conference”, will take place March 9-10, 2018, at Marshall University, in West Virginia, and it is jointly organized by the Kentucky and Appalachian Sections of the AAPT.

Please see for details regarding the conference.

In order to register, please visit Registration Form.

If you would like to contribute a presentation, please fill out this Submission Form.

If you would like to be a part of our back-to-back Demonstration Slam! please email Jennifer Birriel.

For information about the location please visit Lodging & Travel

If you have any more questions about the meeting, please email Troy Messina.

If you more need information about lodging, please email Maria Hamilton.

We wish you an enjoyable and enriching meeting and hope you find the presentations and the workshops informative. Thank you for joining us!
