West Virginia University is pleased to announce that this year’s American Association of Physics Teachers Appalachian Section Meeting will be held on Saturday November 11th, 2023 in Morgantown, West Virginia.
- For Speakers. Please upload your talk to the shared folder for your session linked here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1a2N-E_gcj4hrn9FC2FIQcvS48cP4Cwg4?usp=sharing These will be loaded on a Windows PC (preferred). These may be changed up until 10 minutes before the presentation. We also have a document camera available and an HDMI input for those who wish to use your own laptop.
- Confirm Plans to Attend: Please fill out the following short form to confirm your plans to attend: Attendance Confirmation. This will allow me to know how much food to arrange. Multiple people can be included on the same form.
- Time and Location: The meeting will run from 10am to 5pm with registration opening at 9am. The meeting will be held in White Hall on the WVU campus. Registration will be on the ground floor as you enter from Willey St. All talks will be in White Hall G09.
- Cost: Yearly dues for the AAPT Section are $10. The meeting costs $25 in addition to this for a total of $35 for the meeting. Undergraduate students are free. Graduate students are not required to pay the yearly dues.
- Program: The program as it develops will be available here: program.
- Lunch: Lunch will be provided for all participants.
- Abstracts: Contributed abstracts should be sent to John Stewart (jcstewart1@mail.wvu.edu) by Wednesday November 8th at 5pm. I will set the talk length once I know how many are attending. All student talks will be in the afternoon after the keynote.
- Keynote: Paul Cassak will present the keynote giving a talk on his recent reformulation of the first law of thermodynamics at 2pm. This work generated significant coverage in the popular press about a year ago. The talk is titled “The First Law of Thermodynamics Gets a Makeover.”
- In Remembrance: Sheri Puskar will provide refreshments after the talk to honor Greg Puskar.
- Friday Night: For any arriving the night before, I have reserved some seats at the 8pm planetarium show on Friday. To book a seat: Here is the link to register for the planetarium show on November 10 https://www.ticketsource.us/wvuplanetarium/t-yadpgkz After clicking on the Book Now button, select “Appalachian-AAPT”. The password is: AAPT2023
- Parking: University lots may not be used (you will be ticketed unless you have a pass). I have requested 15 parking permits for the lot across the street. Request one at registration. These will be on a first come first serve basis. If you have a permit, park in Lot 1 directly across the street from White Hall. If you do not have a permit, paid parking can be located through this map: parking map. White Hall is near the corner of Willey and High; there is a 10-hour lot a little farther up Willey.
- Additional Information: Direct any questions to John Stewart at jcstewart1@mail.wvu.edu